The Riverside Art Museum (RAM) proudly presents Wendy Maruyama: E.O. 9066, February 3 – May 27, 2018, with a free, open-to-the-public Opening Reception on Friday, February 2, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. This exhibition is generously sponsored by Burgess Moving & Storage, and Bob Harris and Susan Rothermund, with special thanks to the Riverside Metropolitan Museum and the Japanese American National Museum. Exhibit-related programming for this exhibition was made possible with support from the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program at the California State Library.
Artist Wendy Maruyama’s work explores the impact President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 had on her family and Japanese-Americans. The work incorporates objects and imagery that depict the realities of the imprisonment of approximately 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry and resident aliens from Japan during WWII.